Thursday, September 26, 2013

Staging in Miami

I just wanted to let everyone know that I arrived safely into Miami yesterday afternoon.  We had quite a storm roll through here yesterday afternoon which did delay some people's arrival but I think by about 10 pm our entire group was here.  Last night we had our first group meeting and we have 47 trainees in our group with about half in the agriculture sector and half in the environmental sector (my sector).  It seems like we have a great group of individuals, most of us are fresh college graduates but we also have a wide variety of ages and have one older gentleman in our group but he seems very excited but a little overwhelmed by all of us younger people.  We also have one married couple in the group.  Last evening we just filled out our last minute paperwork including our eligibility verification to make sure we were all still good to go as well as signed our life insurance and got our debit cards for our last two days in Miami.  We were all very surprised by the amount of money they have us for two days here so many of us are trying not to spend it all so we have more money once we get down to Paraguay!  So far I have met two people from Missouri and we were all on the same flights out of St. Louis yesterday morning.  At this point everyone (including myself) is getting very excited but at the same time nervous because there are so many unknowns.  Today we have training here at the hotel and then will be leaving about 7-8 to head to the airport before our flight leaves at 11:45 so I hope to be able to sleep on the plane since we arrive about 7:45 and training starts right away.  So next time you hear from me I should be in Paraguay! 

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