Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Packed and Ready

I first want to start out this post thanking all of you that were able to come to my Bon Voyage party on Sunday night.  We had a fantastic turnout and it was so good to be able to see all of my family and friends before I leave on my next adventure.  We had some wonderful food and great company and I will miss all of you while I'm gone.  I have uploaded a few pictures from the evening. 

Since the Bon Voyage party I have been desperately trying to get my bags packed and ready to go.  At first I didn't think it would be too big of a deal since I just packed a hiking backpack for 3 months in Costa Rica but I soon began to realize that packing for TWO years and FOUR seasons was a bit more work.  But thankfully Thad was up to the challenge to help me and although I am not bring all that I would like I know that I have more than enough and if not I'm sure I can find it!  So here it is two checked bags and two smaller carry-ons. 
Tomorrow morning about 4 am I will be leaving Columbia on my way to STL for my flight at 8 am to Chicago and then a short layover until my flight to Miami where I should arrive around 2 pm.  We check in tomorrow evening at the hotel and have some basic orientation tomorrow night and dinner.  I will be in Miami all day Thursday doing more basic training and then we have an overnight flight Thursday night leaving at 11:45 arrive in Paraguay just before 8 am.  I will probably not have internet the first couple of days since I know they are going to be busy but I will update as soon as possible!

1 comment:

  1. Back in Columbia from dropping Kaitlyn off at the airport. She is now leaving Chicago and will call when she lands in Miami. Ditto on the thanks for the party. What a wonderful send off and show of support for this fantastic woman!! She will do wonderful and change so many lives by her presence alone. And Kaitlyn you could never disappoint any of us in any way ever. So many prayers and blessings arriving before you.
